Sponsor child

>> Sunday, June 06, 2010

We sponsor a sweet little girl in Haiti who is entering the 6th grade. She attends a school that S and I visited while on a short term missions trip during college. We often get letters from her, school homework papers, pictures, drawings and report cards. She's a pretty smart cookie and it has been very fun to see her personality mature and develop over the years.

I think she has asked in every letter she has written so far, when we are coming to visit her. In her last letter she asked if we had heard about the earthquake they had there (as if we may not have heard about the tragedy that killed hundreds of thousands of people) and told us a little about her perspective on it. It was inspiring, to say the least, to hear about the earthquake through the eyes of an 11 year old who praised God for protecting her family in Port-au-Prince.

We received our most recent packet of papers from her last week and in it was the following writing assignment that made us laugh and left us a bit puzzled.

"One time when I was little my cousin held me on her lap. I had a diarhea. She didn't know that. While I was laughing and screaming, and poop on her lap and she was mad at me. She said she will not hold me on her lap again."

I guess I can't help but be proud since she got a 92%!


Unknown 9:44 PM  

That's our girl!!!

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