29 Gifts-Days 10 and 11

>> Friday, June 18, 2010

My gift yesterday was to let my kids play the little coin game with the build up of nickels in my wallet when we went out to eat at Taco Bell/KFC. They love to put change in and spin it to watch it fly. The money goes to helping provide education for at risk youth so we killed two birds with one stone. Helped others AND I got to say "yes" to the barrage of "Can we, can we, can we???"

My gift today felt like a bit of a risk. We celebrated Father's Day with my family this evening and my gift to him was a book called She Still Calls Me Daddy: Building a New Relationship with Your Daughter After You Walk Her Down the Aisle by Robert Wolgemuth. I realize it's been 10 years since I walked down the aisle but I thought the application would still be the same. I felt a little vulnerable giving him this and I'm not exactly sure why.

Maybe because I haven't read it myself yet so I don't exactly know what all it says. Maybe because I was afraid it would seem like kind of a selfish gift: "I want you to have this so you can learn how to be a better dad to me." Or maybe it's because my dad and I haven't always seen eye to eye. Especially during my rebellious teenage daughter years when I was so foolishly convinced that all my boyfriends knew more than my dad.

My dad's life hasn't been easy either. He has lived most of his life with an ugly digestive disease forcing him to have numerous surgeries and live on a ridiculously restricted diet. He worked in a job he hated for over 30 years for several reasons: in his generation you didn't job hop, you gutted it out; for the health insurance; to provide for his family; and to be able to retire early. These two life trials together in a lot of ways created a perfect storm that left him little energy.

And yet somehow he was present throughout my life. Taking us to gymnastics every week, coaching my softball team, riding long bike rides with me, teaching me how to fish, throw like a boy, mow the yard. He is the epitome of Mr. Fix It and our home was always in tip top shape thanks to his skill and expertise.

It's fascinating to me to realize that as much conflict as my dad and I have had over the years, I married a man with a lot of similarities to him. A disciplined work ethic, a natural handy-man, a lover of the outdoors, a man who takes pride in the women around him. I was often embarrassed by all the bragging my dad did about me and now that has just shifted to being embarrassed by all the bragging my husband does about me!

Either way, I know I am loved by both of the most important men in my life.

If you are wondering what I'm talking about with this "29 gifts" read this post here and consider joining me in this movement!


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