29 Gifts-Day 2

>> Wednesday, June 09, 2010

One of the lessons learned in 29 gifts is about the importance of receiving with grace. Some people have a really hard time receiving gifts. Ever given someone a compliment only to be met with, "Oh, sheesh," and a whole string of explanations why you shouldn't have paid them that compliment? Why does it somehow seem more comfortable to react that way at times rather than just with a simple, "thank you"?

The author of this book hi-lites the unexplainable phenomena that occurs when you start giving: you start getting. Not in a "I'm only giving in order to get" kind of way. Perhaps it is more of a mindset change. When you give from a place of gratitude you begin to see life differently. You begin to notice all the things in your life that you could give away: your time, your money, your possessions, your love. So maybe it's not necessarily true that the more you give, the more you get. Maybe it's actually the more you give, the more intensely you NOTICE all the things you get.

I noticed that today. A sweet, long-time, dear friend sent me a message today in response to this 29 gifts experience she's been reading about on my blog. Her words were so very affirming and I will cherish them in a way that perhaps I would not have if I had not been NOTICING all that I have.

My gifts today so far have been subtle. My first gift was that I called a couple friends to invite them to the pool. One was unable to go, the other was already planning to go. I wasn't going to call anyone because I thought we might want to test out the pool experience for the first time this year without friends around to up the ante. My oldest son is very shy and when I am distracted talking to others he tends to act out and vie for my attention.

Everything went fairly well until the end, leaving fun places is often a problem. W had one of his oh-so-fun out of control melt-downs when it was time to leave and eventually I just had to carry him out kicking and screaming, strap him in his carseat and go back in for my bags and towels. Quite embarrassing. However, in the midst of it I actually thought to myself, "OK, my gift to him is that I'm not going to lose it with him. I'm going to remain non-anxious, handle this like an adult and not scream at him as soon as we get in the car." What I really wanted to do is lay down on the pool concrete and kick and scream and cry too!!

We made it home, discussed his consequences, he apologized, said he was tired and is now napping. I have decided my third gift for the day is to not let this frustration ruin my day. I could mope around and pout and hold this against him the rest of the day. But I don't like me when I do that and neither does my family! I don't know if this third gift is more for me or for my family!

If you are wondering what I'm talking about with this "29 gifts" read this post here and consider joining me in this movement!


Sis 6:40 PM  

So insightful of you to realize that not reacting to his tantrum is a gift to both of you....very inspiring!

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