29 Gifts-Day 4

>> Friday, June 11, 2010

I am a lover of words. I love to read words, I love to listen to words and I am finding how very much I love writing words.

My husband and I just had words last night. Not conflictual words, as that statement usually indicates, but encouraging words. Words that connected our souls and allowed us to process our relationship. We have been so busy lately and it had been way too long since we had just carved out time to talk about us.

My love language is words of affirmation. When people give affirming words to me they soak into my spirit in a way that refuels me, energizes me and fills me. That's why you'll probably see that a lot of my gifts over these 29 days will be words affirming others.

We naturally tend to give to others what we ourselves crave. But I also think our culture is severely deficient in this area of affirming words. Why is it so hard for us to tell another person how wonderful they are? Is it too much risk? Too much vulnerability? Too much humility?

Whatever the reason, or however uncomfortable it may make me, I want people to feel good about themselves when they are with me. I want people to walk away from time with me and feel lighter, more encouraged, empowered.

My gift today was to send words of affirmation to a friend of mine who is having a very rough start to her summer. I wrote a note and included a couple tea bags of my favorite kinds of tea in hopes that she will be good to herself and take time to relax. I also called her and left a message telling her of my concern for her and that I'm praying for her. It's always hard to know what to do for far-a-away friends who are struggling but I hope this brightens her day at least a little.

If you are wondering what I'm talking about with this "29 gifts" read this post here and consider joining me in this movement!


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