29 Gifts-Day 5
>> Saturday, June 12, 2010
"When I give with an open heart, I receive the profound gift of humility." This quote from the book puzzles me. I've always had a hard time understanding humility.
Dictionary.com defines it as a "modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc." It seems as though receiving the gift of humility is a paradox. Once you've received it, if you know you have received it, that kind of contradicts the definition. Is someone who knows they are humble, really humble?
I hope that this gift giving endeavor does help me have more of an open heart and allows me to receive humility. But I guess I also hope I never see myself as a humble person so I will always be striving to be more humble.
I've been grumpy today. I don't know if it's the heat or conflict with my kids or what but it's been harder to have an open heart today.
I went to several garage sales this morning and had to force myself to be friendly with people. Making small talk doesn't come naturally to me and I always feel awkward at garage sales when I don't make a purchase. But one of my gifts this morning was to say something kind to each garage sale owner even if I didn't make a purchase instead of just darting off with my head down avoiding eye contact.
I also told one of the people to keep the change when I bought a few things. I had one guy do that for me when I did my garage sale earlier in the year and found it to be a refreshing change from people who want to bargain and negotiate on a .25 item. I even actually had someone return a .50 item because they couldn't figure out how it worked. Come. on. Really?
Anyway, I have already noticed how this gift giving effort has forced me to think about my mood. I don't want to be a grumpy giver, that defeats the purpose. So today I choose to let go of my grump and be at peace instead.
If you are wondering what I'm talking about with this "29 gifts" read this post here and consider joining me in this movement!
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