29 Gifts-Day 29!
>> Tuesday, July 06, 2010
My gift today was to leave an encouragement card with some of my favorite teas to the woman I share office space with. Since she uses the office on the days I don't, we really only see each other at our monthly staff meetings. She's had a pretty rough few weeks as of late.
When she asked in our last meeting, "Who counsels the counselors when they are having a hard time?" my gears started turning to come up with some way to be a blessing to her. I hope my gift encourages her to be good to herself as she spends so much time and energy caring for others.
Well, there you have it. 29 gifts in 29 days. Well, except for the one gift that I still can't remember. At this point I've resigned myself to the fact that it is lost forever in the dark recesses of my memory.
I thought I'd take my last post to recap a few of the lessons I have learned through this experiment:
-It's a lot easier than I thought it would be to find small ways to give, especially financially.
-I worry about my life and future much less when my thoughts are focused throughout the day on what opportunity I will have to give that day.
-When I do give, it surprisingly makes me feel like I have more instead of feeling like I'm left with less.
-I truly do have an abundant life with lots of opportunities to share my blessings with other people.
-I'm so sold on this whole idea that I intend to start living my life in increments of 29 day giving cycles!
If you are wondering what I'm talking about with this "29 gifts" read this post here and consider joining me in this movement!
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