Nebulizer Nuisance

>> Friday, March 09, 2007

Well, we have finally surrendered to the antiobiotic gods and realized our struggle is futile. At our last trip to the Dr. he looked at W's chart and said, "Ya know, we've been battling this same ear/sinus infection since September. I think it's time to take him to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist." They were the words I've been expecting to hear for over a month but my stomach still fell when he said them. Seeing the problems my 7 year old niece has had makes me pretty scared of starting this journey. She's had several surgeries related to her sinuses over the years and each one seems to help for a little while but she always ends up with another infection about 6 months later. I fear that our journey will follow hers.
Of course we can't get in to see an ENT until the end of March so that leaves us with a sneezy, coughing, snotty boy until then. They had us buy this nebulizer machine to give him breathing treatments 3 times a day. He's been tolerating them pretty well but seems to be tiring of them the past couple times. It's hard to get a little boy who has lots to do and is very busy to sit still for 10 minutes at a time unless he's occupied by the television. I'm not a fan of letting him watch very much TV but thank goodness for The Wiggles and Bob the Builder. I looked up the bio on our ENT (we didn't get to choose of course thanks to our lovely insurance). He looks nice enough but I'm hoping when I ask him in typical Bob fashion "Can we fix it?" he replies, "YES WE CAN!"


M 3:50 PM  

Wow, I feel for you on this one! Bad sinus problems run in my family. I grew up with chronic ear infections, sinus infections, etc. It's no fun at all. I'm seeing my goddaughter Miranda go through it now. She has to use the nebulizer and everything. Good luck with the ENT doc!

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