
>> Friday, August 08, 2008

I've discovered that I am quite a creature of habit. I thrive on routine and love knowing what to expect from my day, my week, my future. That's why the most recent change in our lives is such a biggie for us.

As of the beginning of October S will be resigning from his position at LCC and will go to work for Brad Neal, a financial planner here in town. Six months ago we set up an appointment to have him take a look at our retirement, life insurance, etc. Apparently from that meeting S made such a good impression on Brad that he began pursuing him to come work for him.

S will be assisting Brad with various duties and tasks involved in the business and will begin working on further education to get the licenses he needs for the job. S really liked what he did at LCC and we've always said if he were to leave there, God would have to drop something in his lap. I never imagined that would actually happen!

It has been a mix of fear, sadness and excitement as we've made this decision. I love lists so here we go:

What excites us about this opportunity:

-Brad is a Christian and views his work as a ministry. He serves a lot of ministers and missionaries and provides affordable services for people like us who live on a tight budget. S is excited to be able to help people stretch what God has given them and save for their future.

-We've heard nothing but positive things about Brad. I've been amazed at how many unsolicited comments we've heard from people lately about what a man of integrity he is.

-It fits so well with S's giftedness. He has such a business mind and is so good with all things finance. And yet his gentle, genuine, patient spirit is so beneficial when working with people so it's a perfect blend for this type of job.

-The sky's the limit! There is so much potential for professional and personal growth as he continues learning and developing.

-God has affirmed every step of this process. We kept praying that He would send up red flags or close doors if this was not supposed to happen. Every time we prayed that, He just kept opening one more door until finally we felt like He was pushing us through it!

-Brad has been so specific in relieving our fears and worries. We've had several candid conversations with he, his wife and his secretary and all our concerns have been answered and put to rest.

Of course we are sad about not being quite as connected to the community at LCC as we have been. Sometimes I wonder why it seems that God is separating us from so many of our friends right now. But we feel confident that this is the new journey God has marked for us and it's time for us to embark.

Keep us in mind if you ever need some insurance or financial planning!


Anonymous,  6:24 AM  

Congratulations S! That sounds like an interesting job. God bless you guys with all your life changes.

Frank H.

Sarah 5:03 PM  

:) I love you guys! And God is moving in a lot of ways right now. God sure has some big things in plan for little ol' Lincoln!

-Sarah L.

Brit and Jen 1:54 PM  

Congratulations! We know it's hard to leave LCC but God's plans are good. Stacy will be great at that.

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