Evidence of God

>> Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My job has never been as secure as I'd like it to be. I work for a non-profit counseling agency that is fairly new and expanding faster than we can keep up with. We're never really sure from year to year if our budget will be met which forces us to depend continually on God to provide. Well, He has provided yet again. Due to changing state licensure laws our center is being forced to change to an employment status which places a large financial burden on the center. Our 2007 budget was $20,000 short as of a month ago. Then an anonymous donor came forward and offered to give a $10,000 matching donation on anything donated before the end of 2006. I just got word a few hours ago from our office manager that we received $10,155 which means our budget will be met! I had just been praying this morning that God would protect my job there and allow me to continue through the year. It is times like this that prove to me that God really is in control. Why do I worry? How exciting it is to get to see evidence of God in ways like this.


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