The Merry-Go-Round of Life
>> Sunday, December 17, 2006
Being sick is definitely no fun. I don't get fevers very often but this one settled in last Wednesday night and stuck around for two days. Ugh. Since hubby is out of state that left me feeling like I just got hit by a truck and yet still responsible for the general daily care of my 14 month old son. Ugh again. But God is so good and sent several angels of mercy to help not only me but care for my son. My in-laws graciously stepped in and whisked W away from my germ-infested house for a couple days. As much as I missed him I was so relieved to know he was in good hands. Numerous friends and family have been calling and coming over to check on me and spend time with me and get me anything I need. Isn't living in community with caring people wonderful?
I always know when I get that sick that I was participating in life at a speed that is just not normal. It's like my body's way of telling me, "Girl, you are trying to fit way too much into a 24 hour time you're flat on your back." I also always know when I start feeling better because instead of lying awake in bed at night hacking and shivering and sneezing, I'm lying awake in bed at night thinking about all the things that I have to get done now that they've been piling up on me for three days. Reentering life after being sick is always sort of a surreal experience to me. It's like trying to jump onto an already spinning merry-go-round. That's why it's nice to have God's stability to depend on. I can take his hand, close my eyes, and JUMP!
Hey girl, im glad to know your feeling a little better now, and i wish I had come by sooner to check on you. Neway, I was good to see you, have a great christmas and ill pray that you don't let yourself become too overwhelmed!!
:) Colleen
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