Giant Leap

>> Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We're finally doing it. We're disconnecting our landline and going wireless with our cell phones. I know for most of the world this has been an easy choice but for some reason it feels like I'm doing something totally unconventional and "out there." It actually works out to be about five bucks cheaper per month for us to do this and since we've been talking about it for a couple years now we've decided it only makes sense that with the renewal of our cell phone service contract we'll ditch the home phone.
But apparently I have a difficult time adjusting to technological change in the communication world because it has kind of been stressing me out lately! I've always lived with a landline. Growing up I think it was a harvest gold rotary phone hanging on our kitchen wall. Then came push button phones (still corded) and when I got to college I finally sprung for a cordless phone. It's just that the tiny cord running from my phone base into the wall makes me feel safe and secure. It makes me feel as though if I needed it, an ambulence could only get to my house because I have that tiny cord running into the wall. Obviously I can rationalize these silly fears away. But these nagging fears might be plaguing me for quite some time.


Unknown 5:42 PM  

Go fearlessly into that brave new world Debbie. You can do it. But you should leave the landline phone out for your kids. They need to see how we lived in the dark ages.

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