
>> Thursday, August 23, 2007

W has conquered yet another milestone and I couldn't be more relieved or proud which may sound pretty pathetic seeing as how it's not that he's speaking in sentences or potty trained. It's just that he learned this week how to blow his nose. For six months last winter we dealt with wiping snotty nose after snotty nose until we finally found out that he has a milk allergy, needed his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears. After that the snotty noses have subsided except for the occassional cold or when we run out of allergy medicine. But I have to tell you, this past cold/allergy bout he's had has made me almost giddy now that he can blow his nose. It's never been so fun or easy to relieve him of his drippyness. And since he thinks it's funny and likes to do it too that makes it even sweeter. It is one of those bodily functions that I totally took for granted until I had to deal with days upon days of carrying a gross wet hanky with me everywhere. No more chasing him around the house or getting him in a headlock in order to wipe his nose. He just comes right to me and after a few blows in a kleenex looks at me with a smile on his face like, "Aren't I just about the biggest boy in the world?" Now if we could just conquer that potty training thing...


Steph H. 10:15 AM  

The skill of "blow" really comes in handy in the car when you look back in the mirror and see the green glacier coming down from the child's nose . .. you just hand the Kleenex back, and say blow. Congrats on reaching this milestone. (ha ha)

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