
>> Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ever hear those stories about how somebody decides at the last minute not to get on a plane for one reason or another only to find out later the plane crashed or something horrible happened? Well, here's one to add to the list.

S is camping/canoeing with some guys this weekend. He's been planning the trip for a couple weeks now, finding the best place to camp, the cheapest canoe rental place, and so on. He finally settled with S.V. canoe rentals and made reservations for today at 10 to do a 15 mile canoe float.

Before he left he gave me the names of the place they were staying and the name of this canoe place just in case I would need it for any reason. Last night I guess he decided to call one more canoe rental place and discovered they had some availability and although they charged $1 more per person he decided to change his reservation and go with this other place.

Now, if you know my husband at all, you know where he can save even one dollar, he will. So for him to go with a "more expensive" canoe rental place is quite unusual especially since he really didn't have any reason to change his reservations.

The float went well and other than having to hide under rock during a thunderstorm they made it back to camp with no problem. When they were returning the canoe he discovered from one of the women who worked at the canoe rental place that the S.V. canoe rental business had a serious bus accident that day.

If you know anything about canoeing you know that usually they load a bus up with people at the start of the day, transport all the canoes upstream and drop off the people to begin their float. Apparently this particular bus had lost it's brakes, careened into the forest and flipped over. The woman telling my husband this said it took every ambulance in the area to respond to the scene of the accident.

Now I don't know if my hubby and crew would have ended up on this particular bus had they stuck with their reservation at S.V. canoes. I don't even know the specifics of the severity of the accident. (I tried finding a newslink but I'm assuming news doesn't travel real fast in this neck of the woods.)

But I do know that these words keep echoing in my mind..."The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge." Psalm 18:2

After today's events, I think I can buy into that.


Guess who that is...

>> Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I never knew I married such a celebrity...check it out...


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